Paying with Cheque:
Send us a cheque made payable to "MCS Handpiece Ltd" for the Invoice Amount and note the Invoice Number at the bottom of the cheque to ensure payment is applied to the correct account. If you are unable to add the Invoice Number, Please send a copy of the Invoice along with the cheque.
We have received a written warning from our financial institution, that any cheque sent to us, MCS Handpiece, Must be Made Payable to “MCS Handpiece Ltd.”
Our financial institution will not be accepting any check from our clients without the name “MCS Handpiece Ltd.” or it will not be accepted. This is part of their “Fraud Prevention” and are now enforcing this rule for all of their Business Clients.
Unfortunately, we are now forced to send back any cheque that MCS Handpiece receives, without the correct Made Payable to “MCS Handpiece Ltd.” and request a new cheque to be issued with the correct payable to name present on the cheque. MCS Handpiece we contact you by email to explain the situation, and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. We do hope that we can clear up any misunderstandings that this situation has created.
Cheques will be applied to your account the same day as it was received. We do a large deposit on the last day of each month.
Please See Sample Cheque Below